「與您同行」1.60公里挑戰籌款 Walk with You
為祝賀皇仁書院160周年校慶,同時推廣健康活動,提升家庭凝聚力,本會計劃舉辦皇仁書院160周年校慶活動 - 2022「愛 ‧ 回校」之「與您同行」1.60公里挑戰籌款活動。本活動所籌得的款項,將用作皇仁書院160周年校慶活動及皇仁書院家長教師會奬學金的經費,同時希望透過步行或遠足,鼓勵參加者建立健康生活習慣。希望大家鼎力支持,慷慨解囊,踴躍參加。
This year is the 160th Anniversary of Queen's College. In order to promote health and family cohesion, one of Queen's College's 160th Anniversary events - 2022 'Walk with You' 1.60 km Fund-raising Challenge will be held. The objective of the 'Walk with You' activity is to raise funds for the events of the 160th Anniversary of Queen's College and the QCPTA Scholarship. In addition, it is to encourage participants to develop a healthy life through this meaningful activity. We encourage you, your family members and friends to join!
All alumni, teachers, parents and students of Queen's College, and friends and relatives accompanied by the above persons are welcome to join the event!