上載步行記錄 Upload Record

上載步行記錄及相片 Upload Walk with You Record and Photo


上載日期:2022812日至912日 23:59 止

Date of uploading:  From 12 August to 12 September 2022 23:59






Sample screenshot for uploading the record






  1. 步行記錄必須是在活動期間(2022年8月12日至9月12日)進行,最多可分兩次完成。
  2. 可使用任何手機智能裝置或跑步應用程式所顯示的步行記錄,截圖上必須清楚顯示步行日期、步行里數、完成時間及步行路線;恕不接受跑步機記錄。
  3. 如競逐最佳打卡照片獎項,必須附上相關的打卡相乙張。
  4. 本會如發現上載的資料與事實不符,有權取消該次步行記錄。



  1. The Walk with You record should be done within the specific period (from 12 August to 12 September 2022), and it can be completed in two trips.
  2. The record displayed by any mobile device or running application can be used. The screen capture must clearly show the walking date, walking mileage, completion time and the route. The Organizer regrets that records from running machines/treadmills will not be accepted.
  3. If you are competing for the best photo award, please attach a relevant photo.
  4. If any uploaded information has been found to be fabricated, PTA has the right to cancel the walking record.